Thursday, January 30, 2020

U.S. and China’s Future Essay Example for Free

U.S. and China’s Future Essay America is a powerful country with a developed market economy and great economic potential. American foreign policy has a great influence on the whole world. The main goals of America on the international market are to create a democratic world for American people and all other people. The era of globalization presumes the developed network of contacts with other countries and America is very successful in this aspect. China is another influential country. Big population and quick economical growth have made this country an important figure on the world political stage. Relationship between China and the United States have experienced major transformation during last fifty years. America’s foreign policy is greatly influenced by its economical and political interests. A serious test for America was The Great Depression. The Great Depression became the biggest economic fall during the history of the United States, which stared after the Stock Market Crash in 1929. Trade and personal income experienced a period of great decline during this time. Depression quickly became widespread to the most countries of the world. Economic instability finally led to the development of anti-democratic regimes in many countries, such as Germany, Italy and the USSR. The government of the United States managed to overcome the Great Depression without turning to dictatorship. Starting from the 1933 Roosevelt insisted on the necessity of a restructuring of the economy in order to avoid another depression. New Deal programs, aiming to stimulate demand and create work places, have been created. In contrast to many counties, which could not find a way to solve economical problems, the United States of America escaped this danger. This fact can explain the further successful American development on the world market. World War II has had a great impact on the position of most countries on the world’s map. After the experience of the World War I the United States of America took preventive measures when the World War II broke out. Hostility of Japan and threat of Nazi regimes to democracy made the United States of America take an active part in this war. Trying to keep neutral position the USA did not start war actions until the attack to Pearl Harbor. America being an active participant insisted on the Unified Allied Military Command for all the aliens, except the USSR because the Soviet Union did not want to declare war on Japan at first. In 1944 together British and American army attacked the Germans on the occupied territory of France. At that time the Soviets were attacking Germans in Poland and Romania (Friedman, 63). The United States of America took part in the WWII helped to stop Nazism and helped to save democracy in the world. It is necessary to note that the most powerful countries then were the United States and the USSR and so they were taking the most important strategic decisions. After the war the United Nations were created and America became one the five permanent members of the Security Council. The Cold War was another period in American foreign policy. This war was aimed to limit the USSR’s power all over the world and to find the balance. The US had established the NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) and got into close contact with China during that time. America was spreading its influence in every corner of the world, while the Soviet Union, being weakened after the war, was losing its power and might. By the end of the Cold War America invaded Panama and made a number of campaigns in Central America. â€Å"In 1986 the US was convicted of multiple violations of international law and breaches of treaties against Nicaragua by the International Court of Justice in The Hague† (Bunton, 64). Relations between the U. S. and Asian countries were not stable after the World War II, because of the so-called â€Å"American dominance† in the world. America was suspicious of Communist government of China making an assumption that China could invade all East Asia and so threaten America. China, in its turn, was afraid that America was going to weaken Chinese government. On the other hand, both countries saw the necessity in cooperation to escape the possible threats from both countries. Formally, America had not recognized China (Peoples’ republic of China) for almost 30 years and only after the war this conflict was resolved. After the Korean War, in which the United States and the PRC were enemies the relations between these two countries became frozen. â€Å"The Soviet Union was more of a factor than the Peoples Republic of China in instigating the 1950 North Korean invasion of South Korea. In response, the United Nations Security Council undertook to assist by military means the Republic of Korea† (Vogel, 167). All in all, this war has not had an official end but it has had a great impact on the relations between China and America. After it the relations became distanced, two countries had stopped any cooperation. America was even doing its best to prevent China from entering the United Nations. It imposed an embargo on trade with China and encouraged other countries to stop their cooperation with China. In the middle of the last century the situation has changed. The United States wanted to spread its influence in Southeast Asia in order to have an access to Laos, Vietnam and Cambodia and the only way to do it was the improvement of relations with China. America also required the Chinese market of over one billion consumers. In the year 1969, America removed an embargo on trade with China and took a number of measures to develop a bilateral contact. The negotiations lasted till the year 1972. In this year President Nixon visited Shanghai, Beijing and Hangzhou and, as a result, two countries signed to the Shanghai Communique. According to this agreement China and America stated that they shared their views on foreign policy. Its main aim was to normalize the relations between tow countries (Harding, 143). All in all, America did not get all the profit it supposed to get from this agreement, as the American products could enter the Chinese market only in a few decades and their economic cooperation was very slow. To analyze the further perspectives of Sino-American relations, it is necessary to get some information about China’s economy. China presents a significant part of the world’s economy because of its geographical position, demographic factor and unique methods of economic development. The population of China makes 20. 7% of the world total, the territory of China is 3. 70 million square miles, GPD annual growth is 7. 05% on average. China being under transition and developing in a unique way can give good lessons for other young developing countries. To analyze the position of this country in the rate of modern economy today it is necessary to get acquainted with the history of China’s development. The first period on the way of its development is so-called â€Å"Five-Year Plan; 1953-1957† when the emphasis was made on the development of heavy industry following the Soviet Union example. The second step was â€Å"Great Leap Forward; 1958-1960†. This period is characterized by raising of agricultural and industrial production following an own program, not the Soviet one. In 1966-1976 Cultural Revolution took place and, as a result Mao’s theory of self-reliant economy and political struggle and its pursuit appeared. In 1978 started the process of economic reformation that continues till now. This process is aimed to reform the planned economy into the market-oriented one (Buxton 219). China’s reforms are often called â€Å"economic miracle†, as such progress and success is just unbelievable but the results are visible. Only in year 1978 60% of one billion population lived below poverty and China was concerned as one of the poorest countries in the world. Beginning from the year 1978 China started its transition from a command economy to a market one and from the rural society to the urban one. China has chosen one of the fastest rates for economic and agriculture development and succeeded in it. The rapid economic growth is the result of combination of part reforms and constant experimentation. There were made reforms practically in all areas but agriculture was the most reformed area. Agriculture played a very important role in eradication of poverty. â€Å"By international standards, Chinas social indicators as reflected in close to universal access to primary education, low infant mortality and high life expectancy have been outliers, in view of Chinas low initial per capita income† (Hsieh, 37). The first actions that were taken about agriculture were the privatization of farming, intensification of industry and liberalization of markets for many goods. The process of transition to urbanization took the US, for example, 47 years while China managed to double its income twice just in 10 years (1978-1996). If to compare economic geographical factors of the USA and China from the first point of view they seem absolutely different but it is only first impression. In fact, both these countries occupy large territory, which is rich in numerous mineral resources. Nature is represented by lowlands, highlands, mountains and valleys and this fact contributes to excellent conditions of economic development. Geographical factor is one of the factors which can explain such rapid and such successful development of the both countries. It is quite another matter that countries have chosen absolutely different ways of the economic development. According to the statistics of 1987 China was on the fifth place of long-run of Economic Growth while America was on the forth after Japan, Brazil, Canada and Germany (Mankiw, 237). Nowadays the situation has not changed very much and both countries sit tight on their positions and develop successfully. China was not in an enviable position after World War II. Due to American efforts it was isolated not only from America but also from a number of European countries. Sino-Soviet Split was the last straw and there were even military tensions on the Soviet borders. It was necessary to improve relations with America because China’s security was in danger. The rapprochement with the United States was of great importance for China. Now China was in security during the Cold War and could extend its foreign policy. China was by American side in the Soviet war in Afghanistan and Cuban movements. China and the United States had little political interaction until the middle of the last century. They did not even have direct diplomatic contacts. Only after the 1960s the USA and China began active economical partnership. At the present moment they are major trading partners. These relationships survived confrontation during Taiwan crisis and Tiananmen massacre of 1989. Economic relations are not the only point, which unites these two great nations. It is hard to underestimate the impact of China, as the most populous country of the world, especially after rapid economic development (Mann, 146). At the same time the United States of America is one of the most powerful counties of the world. Relationship between these two counties guarantees not only economical privileges for both of them, but also becomes important for maintaining peace in the world. The United States wanted to use China as a counterweight to the USSR during the period of the Cold War. It was difficult to develop relations between such closed political, social and economical unit as China, but President Nixon put much effort to develop this relationship. Henry Kissinger, State Secretary of the USA also put much effort in building relationship with China. His mission to Beijing was aimed to build the basis for future fruitful relationships between two countries. Relationships between the U. S. and China have become so useful for both countries that they continue them after the end of the Cold War. Economy is a strong basis for Sino-American relationships but conflicts between two values systems can become a serious problem in the future. All hopes of American government that Chinese authoritarian political system will gradually be transformed, like it has happened in other authoritarian countries, have gradually faded away. America, which serves a democratic ideal for the rest of the world, has to tolerate bad violations of human rights in China. In the 1960s, when relationships between these two countries were only developing the American government had very strong determination that China would turn to Western value system and switch to democratic principles. â€Å"Stolidly eyeing the authoritarian reality behind all the fine words and sumptuous banquets that Beijing bestows on influential visitors, it is necessary to remember how sorry has been Chinas record on human rights in recent decades and how cravenly Washington has sought to sweep that record under the carpet† (Mann, 112). China shows strong determination in its ruling regime and value system. Since situation is not likely to be resolved in the nearest future, it depends mostly on the United States: how long it will tolerate such state of events. Directed by economic profit, the United States during the long period closed eyes on the political aspect of the problem. If such a tendency continues, the U. S. will experience a threat to lose a status of the carrier of democratic ideals all over the world. Close relations with the one of the most authoritarian counties of the world will finally compromise the United States. Governmental regime which exists in modern China is a mixture of communism and Nazism. Such a regime has nothing to do with western democratic ideals. In addition, China used such tricks as military and industrial espionage against the USA. The concept of human rights practiced in these two countries are completely different and even incompatible. Nowadays it becomes more and more evident that Sino-American relationships are based on completely different goals. During the long period of time the U. S. was expecting liberalization of the Chinese government and modernization of its policies. As to China, it gladly accepted any kind of help in modernization but did not let interferer within inner policy of the country and rejected any attempts to liberalization. Since it becomes more and more evident that China is not going to change its governmental regime and economic structure, the United States has to choose if it is ready to prolong its relationship with this country or not. One of possible solutions would be a picky attitude, proclaimed by Harding. He proposes to develop realistic and nuanced policy toward China, and I agree with him. (Harding, 214). It is quite evident the U. S. will not be able to break its relationships with one of its major trade partners. On the other hand, it also evident that China becomes a dominant power in Sino-American relationships and if the situation is not changed recently, it will gain more and more power and knowing about the authoritative nature of Chinese governmental power, it is hard to predict all possible bad consequences of such interaction. First of all it is necessary to get rid of romantic vision of China as a country with the â€Å"developing† democracy. Rational attitude to China, as to an independent counterpart in a complex balance of power » can help the United States to renew health balance in these relationships (Harding, 217). In this way in 10 years Sino-American relationship will depend on the role the U. S. chooses inside of these relationships. It is quite evident that such kind of relationship is satisfactory for China and not satisfactory for the United States. If the U. S. does not agree to stand its role in these relationships any more, it will have to build a thoughtful strategy aiming to make China accept not only economical interaction, but also political ideas. If this happens, relations, despite they will be transformed, will stay in the form of close partnership in many fields. If this does not happen we can expect cold and estrangement in the relationships between these two countries. It is obvious that such close economical ties, which exist between China and the United States can not be broken in one day but they will be gradually reducing and this short down will be initiated by America. By that time China will have to make a difficult choice. It is evident that it needs American support and funding for the economical growth and development. On the other hand China is very reluctant to seek any compromises when it comes to internal political changes. In the case this country does not decide to make any changes towards liberalization, we will most probably face the decline of Sino-American relationships. This crisis will be hard to overcome, so America has finally to get rid of its idealistic hope that China will turn to liberalization and democracy. It will count only on concrete facts and numbers and if China does not provide sufficient proves, crises will not be overcome. So, next ten years promise to be very important for Sino-American relationships. After these ten years we can expect two results. Either China turns to liberalization and enters world of Western ideals of democracy as a peer, or it returns to its estrangement from the world culture, policy and economy. The impact of these two scenarios on the Sino-American relationships is evident. In the first case (if China turns to liberalization and democracy) these relationships will become even closer and bring profit to both countries. In the second case these relationships will gradually decline and even lead to serious conflicts. Works Cited: Bunton, T. S. , and Kathleen J. Michels.â€Å"2005 REPORT TO CONGRESS OF THE U. S. -CHINA ECONOMIC AND SECURITY REVIEW COMMISSION. † 2005. China Economic and Security Review Commission. 27 April 2007 http://www. uscc. gov/annual_report/05_annual_report. php. Buxton, Leonard H. China: The Land and the People. New York: Gallery Books, W. H. Smith, Pub. , 1988. Cohen, Warren. America`s Response to China. Columbia University Press, 2000. Eckholm, Erik. Clinton Urged to Meet Top China Dissident. New York Times 20 June 1998. Friedman, Milton and Anna Jacobson Schwartz. A Monetary History of the United States, 1867-1960. New York: Gallery Books, 1963. Harding, Harry. â€Å"A Fragile Relationship: The United States and China Since 1972. † Brookings Institution Press, 1992. Hsieh Chiao-min and Jean Kan Hsieh. China: A Provincial Atlas. New York: Macmillan Publishing, U. S. A. , 1995. Mankiw, N. Gregory, et. al. , Principles of Marcroeconomics. First Canadian Edition, Dryden, Harcourt Brace Company, Canada, 2003. Mann, James. About Face: A History of America`s Curious Relationship with China, from Nixon to Clinton. Vintage, 2000. Vogel, F. Ezra. Living With China: U. S. /China Relations in the Twenty-First Century. W. W. Norton Company, 1997..

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Orson Scott Cards Enders Game Essays -- Enders Game Essays

In Orson Scott Card's novel Ender's Game, the reader is taken into a fascinating futuristic world in which the human race is in danger. Having twice survived alien attack, the human race, fearing a more powerful invasion, develop a program to breed and train a warrior who will lead them to a final victory. The young boy chosen to do just that is six year old Andrew Wiggin also known as Ender. According to the government, Ender exhibits the traits needed to assure victory. At six years old he enters battle school and begins preparation for the bugger war. While in battle school Ender excels in simulation games of battles and is quickly promoted to higher levels in his training. However, being the best of the best at this school doesn't make it easy on Ender. He has to learn to overcome his fears and realize that the world depends on him to save the human race from extinction. Orson Scott Card takes the reader into a future where a young child, property of the government, endures a lon ely, isolated existence as he plays endless hours of games designed to prove his ability to lead and win. Throughout the novel, the theme of courage and betrayal are eminent in Ender's life. These two themes combined make Ender the independent, courageous and distrusting person he becomes, until he finds a purpose in life. Courage was constantly shown through the character of Ender Wiggin. Since the time he left his family, Ender demonstrated a great amount of courage in dealing with the fact that he was away from his parents and sister Valentine. At only six years old, Ender Wiggin was taken from his family to battle school in an attempt to train him to destroy the buggers. Thousands of miles away from home, Ender had to build up courage and demon... ...tastrophe. "Ender carried with him a dry white cocoon, looking for the world where the hive-queen could awaken and thrive in peace" (324). Orson Scott Card takes the reader through an intriguing journey of betrayal and courage. Through Ender Wiggin we are able to capture the different emotions and problems that lead a society to destruction. The character of Ender portrays the destruction of an individual when a person's life lacks love and nurture. Despite the fact that Ender Wiggin possessed an immense amount of courage and that he became a hero when he saved the human species from an alien invasion, his life was unhappy and incomplete until he found a purpose in his life. That purpose was to hold and protect the future of the alien species in his hands. Works Cited Card, Orson Scott. Ender's Game. New York: Tom Doherty Associates, LLC, 1977. Print.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

European-English language Essay

As Ammon Ulrich puts it, the English language is the most hospitable languages in the world because of its character for being open to other languages (2002). The English language accepts words and expressions from other languages. It even borrows the native words and expressions of some countries. Such hospitability of the English language can be proved by appealing to the etymologies found in some English terms (Algeo & Pyles 2004). Yet, he argued that such hospitability does not entail humbleness. In fact, he argued that the English language has started to dominate the world by making the world accustomed to use and speak the English language (Ammon 2002). The sixteenth, seventeenth and the eighteenth century signaled the rise of the English language in Europe (Anderman & Rogers 2005). These periods marked the impeccable influence of the English language in the European civilizations. Because of trades and shipping businesses, it was said that Europe had increasingly exposed themselves on the English language (Phillipson 2003). The nineteenth century made almost all of the European languages to have distinct affinity with the English language likewise the European languages include vocabularies and terms that were derived from the English language (Anderman & Rogers 2005). In the twentieth century, England took a very significant role in expanding the influence of the English language in the whole European region. Because of cultural relations, economic transactions, and global communications, English had truly penetrated Europe. There was this mixed European and English language – combination of structures, terms, expressions and styles of the two languages (Anderman & Rogers 2005). Nonetheless, in this period, English does not have any special place in European countries. It is not even regarded as an official language by other European countries (Phillipson 2003). Though there are some countries which used English as their native language. There are countries in Europe which are opposed with the idea of translating files and documents from their native language into English (Ammon 2002). Bilingualism is allowed in the European region (Phillipson 2003). However; European countries do not think that making the English language as their official language would make significant change for them. As a result, they refuse to consider translations of newspapers, official documents and declarations into the English language. There are separate editions and issues of magazines that are printed and published in English (Ammon 2002). According to the European Union, though the English language has truly proven its importance in international business and communication, it does not necessarily mean that they would ardently adopt it (Anderman & Rogers 2005). What happened is that, European countries, together with their cultures, reconstructed the English language with their own native language. For example, the combination of French and English is called Franglais. The combination of German and English is Denglish, Spanish and English is Spanglish, Dutch and English is Nederengels (Anderman & Rogers 2005). Besides this reconstruction or the mixing of European languages and the English language, the European Union announces that although the English language is key factor in business communication, local cultures and communication should be first considered. Consequently, English is only regarded as an ordinary language used and spoken by the people in Europe (Stavans 2002). Crawford’s â€Å"Heritage Languages in America: Tapping a ‘Hidden’ Resource† English Language is known as the official language of America (Crawford 1999). All the states of America use and speak of it. There is no such thing as native language except for the fact that America has been inhibited by many other people with different nationalities and cultures (Cheshire 2007). It is tagged as the melting pot of the world. For this reason, it is undeniable that every attempt to come near it would mean exposing oneself from the very influential power of the American culture including the use of the English language (Crawford 1999). According to James Crawford, it is inevitable that the world would bend over the English language (1999). Evidently, one cannot survive in the international scene without knowing how to speak and understand English. As repeatedly mentioned in this paper, international communication requires the English language (Crystal 2003). He stressed in his arguments his contention to those countries which try to establish an anti-bilingual campaign (Crawford 1999). It is to be noted that there are really bills and laws that are currently against the use of English as a second language. He saw no logical reason for pushing such campaign. American people honor and recognize the role of the English language. They see how it significantly affects their lives and the world. No matter how the English language is differently used and spoken by different countries in the world, no doubt that it pushes the world to take big leaps with regards to technological, scientific, political and mostly economic advancements. English language-policy system in America is geared towards the unification of native tribes and groups with the whole of America (Johnson, 2000). It does not really undermine or debilitate native languages. It serves as the key weapon in improving the lives of the people, and making them realize that the world is really moving towards modernization and globalization. There is no way that the English language would not affect the international relations of the world (Cheshire 2007). However, according to James Crawford, it does not imply that other languages would be thrown out of the picture. He insisted that native languages should be tied up with the native languages so as to preserve the culture and heritage of particular regions and groups in America while making efforts to advance the quality of life they have (Crawford 1999). Conclusion The English Language cannot really own by one nation. In fact it is not exclusively owned by any one. It is a freelancer language which tends to be accessible to all that needs a common medium for particular and specific purpose. The research studies presented in this paper proves that the English language has really penetrated the international scene – leaving either good or bad effects. More so, its evolution took place in the midst of criticisms and oppositions against it. China, Japan, Europe and America admitted that the English language significantly takes part in every transformation of the world. It is a very dynamic language which allows the assimilation and inclusion of almost every other languages and culture. Bilingualism may be seen as problem or threat for others. Nonetheless, bilingualism opens the door for better communication. References: Algeo, J. , & Pyles, T 2004, The Origins and Development of the English Language (5th ed. ), Heinle. Ammon, U 2002, English As An Academic Language In Europe: A Survey Of Its Use In Teachin,. Peter Lang Publishing. Anderman, G. M. , & Rogers, M 2005, In And Out Of English: For Better, For Worse? (Translating Europe, Multilingual Matters Limited. Brownell, J. A1967, Japan’s second language;: A critical study of the English language program in the Japanese secondary schools in the 1960’s, National Council of Teachers of English. Burchfield, R 2003, The English Language,. Oxford University Press. Burnley, D 2000, The History of the English Language: A Source Book (2nd ed. ), Longman. Cheshire, J 2007, English around the World: Sociolinguistic Perspectives, Cambridge University Press. Cheshire, Jenny 1991, Introduction: sociolinguistics and English around the world, In Cheshire: 1-12. Crane, M 2004, English as a Second Language, Grand Central Publishing . Crawford, J 1999, Heritage Languages in America Retrieved July 2007, 2007 from http://ourworld. compuserve. com/homepages/JWCRAWFORD/HL. htm Crystal, D 2003, English as a Global Language (2nd ed. ), Cambridge University Press. Fennell, B. A 2001, A History of English: A Sociolinguistic Approac,. Blackwell Publishing Limited. Gorlach, M. 1991, Studies in Varieties of English around the World, 1984-1988, Amsterdam/Philadephia: John Benjamin’s Publishing Company. Graddol, D 1996. The History of the English Language (First ed. ), Routledge. Hamers, Josiane F. & Blanc, Michel H. A 1989, Bilinguality and Bilingualism, Cambridge: CUP. Johnson, F. L 2000, Speaking Culturally: Language Diversity in the United States, Sage Publications, Inc . Kachru, B. B 1992, The Other Tongue: ENGLISH ACROSS CULTURES (2nd ed. ), University of Illinois Press. Kahcru, Braj B 1986, â€Å"The power and politics of English†. In World Englishes, Vol. 5, No. 2/3: 121-140. Liu, J 2007, English Language Teaching in China: New Approaches, Perspectives and Standard, Continuum International Publishing Group. Marciamo 2005, Japan more accommodating to English speakers than to speakers of other languages, Retrieved July 28, 2007 from Japan Reference: http://www. jref. com/language/english_friendly_japan. shtml McMillan, R. R 1999, English as the Second Official Language in Japan? Retrieved July 28, 2007, from Garden City Life: http://www.antonnews. com/gardencitylife/1999/12/17/opinion/ Pennycook, Alastair 1994, The Cultural Politics of English as an International Language, Harlow: Longman Group Ltd. Phillipson, R 2003, English-Only Europe? : Challenging Language Policy (First ed. ), Routledge. Porcaro, J. W 2002, â€Å"Translating literature and learning culture. (teaching English as a foreign language in Japan†, Academic Exchange Quarterly , 6 (4), p. 113. Ross, H. A 1993 China Learns English: Language Teaching and Social Change in the People`s Republic, Yale University Press. Saito, T. , Nakamura, J. , & Yamazaki, S 2002, English Corpus Linguistics in Japan, Rodopi. Shaobin, J 2002, English as a Global Language in Chin,. Retrieved July 27, 2007, from ELT Newsletter: http://www. eltnewsletter. com/back/May2002/art992002. htm Stanlaw, J 2005, Japanese English: Language And The Culture Contact (Bilingual ed. ), Hong Kong University Press. Stavans, I 2002, On Borrowed Words: A Memoir of Language, Penguin Non-classics. Weixing, G 2003, The Origin of English Language Teaching in China’s School, Monash Asia Institute.

Monday, January 6, 2020

Suffering in the Crucible and Gattaca Essay - 840 Words

Arthur Millers play The Crucible and Andrew Niccols film Gattaca both present the idea that suffering can lead to growth through their main characters John Proctor (Crucible) and Vincent Freeman (Gattaca) and their very unique experiences . The authors then explore who their characters share the burden of their ordeals with and how they assist in turning their suffering into growth. Despite the fact John and Vincent live in two completely different worlds over three centenaries apart they both experience the same struggle against society and are both considered failures in their communities but grow by overcoming their inadequacies. Miller uses John who is a man who holds a great belief in holding and maintaining a respectable†¦show more content†¦Niccol uses Vincents life of discrimination and his seemingly meaningless existence to show how he suffers in a society obsessed with perfection. It is this prejudice and injustice that drives Vincent to overcome his inadequacies by taking on the identity of a Valid and begin a new life living his dream of working at Gattaca. Niccol shows the audience Vincents growth is complete when he finally boards the rocket destined for Titan as he has succeeded in fooling society and has proven an In-valid is just as capable as a genetically engineered Valid. Both Miller and Niccol use their main protagonists to sh ow how their unique types of suffering can eventually lead to growth. For both John and Vincent overcoming their inadequacies is no easy task and they are both aided by one other individual who is there to support them and help share their ordeals. Even though he was unfaithful to her, Johns wife Elizabeth Proctor is constantly there for him throughout his trail. Elizabeth is also accused of witchcraft but her execution is delayed because she is pregnant. By delaying her execution, Miller has allowed Elizabeth to support her husband and inspire him to choose the path of righteousness and truth. When Reverend Hale pleads with Elizabeth to convince John to confess she instead replies, â€Å"He has his goodness now. God forbid I take it from him!† Miller has uses Elizabeths quotation to show that John has grown enough to